作者:bat365中文官方网站网站        发布时间:2016-11-08        阅读量:
  自2000年起,bat365中文官方网站创办了英语与法学五年制双学位班。从每年入学的bat365中文官方网站和外语学院新生中各择优选拔15名员工组成该班,修读法学专业和英语专业的相关课程,该班员工毕业时可同时获得法学与文学双学士学位。该班有多名外教授课,注重员工法律能力和英语能力的综合培养。该班开设的法理学、知识产权法、公司与证券法、国际法、国际经济法、国际商法、国际私法、WTO简介、国际民事诉法、国际商务仲裁等专业课程为全英文授课。    从2012年开始,bat365中文官方网站在法英双学位班基础上开始建立涉外卓越法律人才实验班,将通过逐步构建国际化的教育体系,致力于培养一批具有国际视野,通晓国际规则,能够参与国际法律事务和维护国家利益的拔尖涉外法律人才。学院致力于推动毕生进入世界一流大学bat365中文官方网站继续深造,将来能够参与国际组织的工作或者从事国际性的高端法律工作。

Dual-Degree Program in English and Law
Since 2000, the Law School has offered a Five-Year Double Degree Course in English and Law. The students for this program are selected from the Law School (15 students) and the Foreign Languages School (15 students). Students have to study both law and English courses and upon graduation, they will be awarded both Bachelor of Law(LL.B) and Bachelor of Arts.(B.A.) degrees. This program emphasizes the importance of the students' law and English abilities and in order to achieve and maintain high standards, there are many qualified overseas experts teaching in this program. Some of the course like Jurisprudence, Intellectual Property, Business law, International Economic Law, International Commercial Law, Private International Law, Introduction to WTO, International Civil Procedural Law, International Commercial Arbitration, can be taught in English. In order to set up an international law educational system, the Law School started since 2012 to run an “Excellent Legal Talents” Program which focus on developing law experts who have global vision, know international rules and handle international legal affairs. Students on this Program are encouraged to continue their education in first-class universities around the world after graduation . 

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