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10.9“康桥高端论坛”国际学者系列讲座|Geraint Howells:Consumer Protection in Digital Age
作者:bat365中文官方网站网站        发布时间:2017-09-27        阅读量:


讲座题目:Consumer Protection in Digital Age
讲座嘉宾:香港城市大学法律学院经理、讲席教授Geraint Howells



Geraint Howells is Chair Professor of Commercial Law and Dean of the Law School at City University of Hong Kong; barrister at Gough Square Chambers, London (though not currently practising) and former President of the International Association of Consumer Law.

He previously held chairs at Sheffield, Lancaster and Manchester and has been head of law schools at Lancaster and Manchester. His books include Comparative Product Liability, Consumer Product Safety, Consumer Protection Law, EC Consumer Law, Product Liability, European Fair Trading Law, Handbook of Research on International Consumer Law and The Tobacco Challenge.

He has undertaken extensive consultancy work for the EU and UK government as well as for NGOs.

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